Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Insident on the beach

A little boy stairs at what appears to be trash washed up on the beach. On closer inspection along side the red cup is a nearly drowned bird. It's is badly injured with the skin on it's back torn away to reveal bloody muscle. It probably was forced into the water and attacked by sea gulls. Fearing the people on the beach they stand in the back ground and await their opportunity. The boy is called away and the gulls move in. In fifteen seconds their victim is eviscerated. In a couple of minutes nothing is left but feathers and a few bones soon to washed out to sea on the next big wave.    

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Beauty in motion

Spring run off in the Wasatch

A young couple and their two year old daughter walk casually next to the roaring torrant. The father watching closely as the child wanders near them. First over there to stand on a rock then stooping to pick up a stick. Now a quick dart to the edge of the bank to throw it into the swollen stream. I hold my breath. The father catches the little arm on the back swing and pulls her back. She lives another day.